
What to expect from Beastlords on EZServer (2023):
Beastlords use leather armor and can duel wield weapons. They can use Ninjastrike augments, which gives them a damage proc to increase their dps. What you need to consider before making a Beastlord is if you want to play a pet class and actually use the pet. Beastlords by themselves have quite poor melee damage output. In fact, currently, the pet amounts for almost 50% of the total damage for the Beastlord if you have your Summoner's Pack and Ultimate Long Sword XII. This means if you want to use the Beastlord for increasing the damage of your group(s), you should want to actually summon the pet and use it during combat. Some people prefer to use pets during combat, while some people don't. Just got to figure out how you prefer to play.
The Beastlords Epic summons a pet. The strength of the pet depends on what tier epic you currently have. Beastlords are still not commonly considered as a choice for your main group. There are other options that brings you more damage. One advantage to the beastlord pet is its very strong melee damage (no other pet melee hits harder). They dont rely on spell like procs for their damage. These pets also benefit from the damage modifiers on the melee version of the Earring of the Ages, as well as the Shaman spell Ancestral Grudge. Another advantage is the pets tanking capabilities. If you keep the pet healed, a tier 10 pet can easily tank 2-3 of the entrance mobs in Veeshan's Peak.
[hide]Primary Uses
- Decent single target DPS with Ninjastrike augments and pet. If you get your Ultimate Weapon and a Summoner's Pack and strive to use the pet while fighting, your Beastlord will be a good dps addition, but they are far from the top melee dps class, the Rogue. If you don't like to manage pets, you are better off dps wise by using a Ranger Berserker or Monk for melee damage.
- Pet DPS and tanking - See Pet Scaling for information on how other EZ items affect them.
- Once you hit T10, make sure you pick up The Plaguebringer's Fist of Reckoning and place Ninjastrike augments in it.
- In Sleeper's Tomb you can pick up a pretty decent damage spell, Vicious Ice V.
- For extra damage, you may want to use the discipline, Bestial Fury Discipline
- Best weapon setup June 2023 is Ultimate Long Sword XII and The Plaguebringer's Fist of Reckoning
- Ultimate Armor Leather Boots, MGB'able spell called Auspice of the Hunter. Will increase the overall damage and healing. Great spell to use on your raid.
Beastlord Armor
Beastlord Epic List
Beastlord Class Epics and Epic Augments 1.0 - 10.0
Recommended Quests
- Ornate War Sword (AKA Fireblade v3)
- Spell: Defensive Boon
- Summoner's Pack
EZ Custom Spells
Spell | Drop Location | Research Elements | Class Ink | Vellum | Description |
Spell: Ascendant Essence | P1 Qvic | Magic | BST | Qvic | Group HP and Mana regen |
Spell: Ascendant Essence II | T3/4 Airplane | Magic | BST | Major Gods | Group HP and Mana regen |
Spell: Ascendant Essence III | T6 Anguish | Magic | BST | Anguish | Group HP and Mana regen |
Spell: Ascendant Essence IV | T10 Sunderock Springs | Expensive Blue Diamond + Holy | BST | Sunderock | Group HP and Mana regen |
Spell: Bashful Crustaceans Hulkamania | T3/4 Airplane | Nature + Fire | BST | Major Gods | Pet damage boost |
Spell: Bashful Crustaceans Hulkamania II | T8 Temple of Veeshan | Poison | BST | Veeshan | Pet damage boost |
Spell: Defensive Boon | Quest | - | - | - | Increases Pet HP and melee mitigation |
Spell: Bestial Tower | T3/4 Airplane | Nature | BST | Major Gods | Pet melee mitigation |
Spell: Bestial Tower II | T6 Anguish | Nature | BST | Anguish | Pet melee mitigation |
Spell: Bestial Tower III | T8 Temple of Veeshan | Nature | BST | Veeshan | Pet melee mitigation |
Spell: Bone Charm of Jasinth | P2 Cazic Thule | Disease + Magic | BST | Cazic Thule | Group disease resist and cap buff |
Spell: Bone Charm of Jasinth II | T3/4 Airplane | Disease + Magic | BST | Major Gods | Group disease resist and cap buff |
Spell: Bone Charm of Jasinth III | T10 Sunderock Springs | Expensive Blue Diamond + Poison | BST + SHM | Sunderock | Group disease resist and cap buff |
Spell: Bone Charm of Shadoo | T1/2 Plane of Dragons | Magic + Poison | BST | Minor Dragons | Group poison resist and cap buff |
Spell: Bone Charm of Shadoo II | T1/2 T5 Abyss | Magic + Poison | BST | Abyss | Group poison resist and cap buff |
Spell: Bone Charm of Shadoo III | T10 Sunderock Springs | Expensive Blue Diamond + Ice | BST + SHM | Sunderock | Group poison resist and cap buff |
Spell: Over Raided Cat Heal | T3/4 Airplane | Magic + Nature | BST | Minor Gods | Pet Heal |
Spell: Over Raided Cat Heal II | T7 Loping Plains | Magic + Nature | BST | Loping Plains | Pet Heal |
Spell: Timeless: Invigor | P1 Qvic | Holy + Magic + Nature | BST | Qvic | Stamina boost |
Spell: Vicious Ice | P2 Cazic Thule | Ice | BST | Cazic Thule | Direct Damage and hate reduction |
Spell: Vicious Ice II | T3/4 Airplane | Ice | BST | Minor Gods | Direct Damage and hate reduction |
Spell: Vicious Ice III | T6 Anguish | Ice | BST | Anguish | Direct Damage and hate reduction |
Spell: Vicious Ice IV | T9 Old Commons | Disease + Holy | BST | Old Commons | Direct Damage and hate reduction |
Spell: Vicious Ice V | T10.5 Sleeper's Tomb | Ice Water + Beastlord's Water of Ice x2 See Sleeper Spell Crafting Guide |
- | - | Direct Damage and hate reduction |