Shadow Knight

What to expect from Shadow Knights on EZServer (2023):
First things first, it's NOT recommended to make a Shadow Knight if you intend for it to be your main tank. If you got a special affinity for Shadow Knights, you could make it work somewhat, but in reality the Warrior has higher damage mitigation and just does a much better job at tanking on EZ. In the early years of the server (~2008-2011) the Shadow Knight was often the preferred tank for many players and at that point the SK was in fact a better tank. Today though everyone runs a Warrior as their main tank and for good reasons.
The Shadow Knight does a pretty decent job at being a damage dealer though if you compare it to the other melee classes (except Rogue). Slightly lower than a monk, but slightly higher than Rangers and Berserkers currently. People tend to use 2 handed weapons for their Shadow Knight, i.e. Deathfist People Splitta' and eventually maybe an Ultimate Great Axe XII. The Jailer's Impenetrable Chestplate from bosses in Veeshan's Peak will further increase your damage with the click effect that casts Death II.
The Shadow Knight has two different versions of their Epic Augment, one is a defensive augment, which is the best augment to use, both when tanking and when dealing damage. The reason is it procs a song on you that increases your mitigation, while it also debuffs the target's defense, making it take more damage. The offensive Epic Augment has a damage proc, which when parsed on a Practice Dummy deals less damage overall than if you use your defensive augment.
There are some useful spells for the Shadow Knight on EZ. As in EQ Live, SK's can use Feign Death with a spell called Death Peace. To improve their damage mitigation you may want to use Spell: Cloak of Anarchy and Spell: Armor of the Cursed from Veeshan's Peak. The Call of the Void line of spells will increase your spell damage, but may not stack with all other major items where spell damage is the focus effect. With double Firestrike augments, however, the Call of the Void provides a significant increase in DPS for the SK. There are also three AoE DoTs and an AoE DD that provide a nice boost to DPS with Call of the Void on. The DoTs are the Blood Ablaze, Virulence, and Vile Tightness. The DD is Shy Crustacean's Soul Eater.
Primary Uses
- On EZServer the SK works primarily as a damage dealer and does a decent job at it. As a tank it's not really a good option since the Warriors are superior in that area. The Call of the Void line of spells will increase your spell damage. You may also increase your damage once you hit Veeshan's Peak with the Jailer's Impenetrable Chestplate which casts rank II of Spell: Death.
- If you want to tank, make sure you pick up Spell: Cloak of Anarchy and Spell: Armor of the Cursed from Veeshan's Peak and use your defensive Epic Augment. Getting Shield of the Ages will also further increase your damage mitigation
- The spell Harmshield will make you invulnerable for ~20 seconds and can be beneficial in certain situations along with Death Peace to feign death.
- Guardian's Charm will make your tanking easier up until Veeshan's Peak where it will hurt you more than do any good.
- Bashful Crustaceans' Rebuttal, Ultimate Armor Plate Gloves and Retribution's Edge all three have a click effect to increase your riposte, practically taking zero damage when they are active.
- Retribution's Edge which has a click that adds Furious Discipline.
- Ultimate Armor Plate Bracer, single target ressurrection click.
Shadow Knight Epic List
Shadow Knight Class Epics and Epic Augments 1.0 - 10.0
Shadow Knight Armor
Epic Effect
Shadow Knights have two options for Epic Augments, "Defensive" or "Offensive" - turn one in to the Epic Vendor to receive the other type
- Defensive Epic:
- Click: -50% Melee Damage to All Nearby NPCs // Proc: Lifetap, Increase Melee Damage Taken (on mob), Stonewall (on SK, varying percentages)
- Offensive Epic:
- Click: High Single Target Damage // Proc: Lifetap
- Bashful Crustaceans' Rebuttal (Riposte every attack for 12 seconds, cooldown 5 minutes)
EZ Custom Spells
Spell | Drop Location | Research Elements | Class Ink | Vellum | Description |
Spell: Animated Ghoul | T6 Anguish | Fire x2 + Ice | SHD | Anguish | Undead pet |
Spell: Armor of the Cursed | T10.67 Veeshan's Peak | Quest | - | - | |
Spell: Blood Ablaze | P1 Qvic | Fire x2 | SHD | Qvic | DoT |
Spell: Blood Ablaze II | T1/2 Plane of Dragons | Fire x2 | SHD | Minor Dragons | DoT |
Spell: Blood Ablaze III | T5 Abyss | Fire x2 | SHD | Abyss | DoT |
Spell: Blood Ablaze IV | T8 Temple of Veeshan | Fire x2 | SHD | Veeshan | DoT |
Spell: Bloodied Bones | P1 Qvic | Fire x2 + Ice | SHD | Qvic | Undead pet |
Spell: Call of the Void | T1/2 Plane of Dragons | Disease x2 + Magic | SHD | Minor Dragons | Increase spell damage and decrease healing |
Spell: Call of the Void II | T3/4 Airplane | Disease x2 + Magic | SHD | Minor Gods | Increase spell damage and decrease healing |
Spell: Call of the Void III | T6 Anguish | Disease x2 + Magic | SHD | Anguish | Increase spell damage and decrease healing |
Spell: Call of the Void IV | T7 Loping Plains | Disease x2 + Magic | SHD | Loping Plains | Increase spell damage and decrease healing |
Spell: Call of the Void V | T9 Old Commons | Holy | SHD | Old Commons | Increase spell damage and decrease healing |
Spell: Cloak of Anarchy | T5 Abyss | Disease + Magic + Poison | SHD | Abyss | Self melee mitigation, damage shield and hp buff |
Spell: Cloak of Anarchy II | T8 Temple of Veeshan | Holy | SHD | Veeshan | Self melee mitigation, damage shield and hp buff |
Spell: Legend of Crab Lifetap | T3/4 Airplane | Disease + Magic x2 + Poison | SHD | Minor Gods | |
Spell: Legend of Crab Lifetap II | T7 Loping Plains | Disease | SHD | Loping Plains | |
Spell: Risen Creation | T3 Halls of Honor | Fire x2 + Ice | SHD | Minor Gods | Undead pet |
Spell: Shy Crustaceans Soul Eater | T3/4 Airplane | Poison x2 | SHD | Major Gods | Direct damage |
Spell: Shy Crustaceans Soul Eater II | T5 Abyss | Fire + Poison x2 | SHD | Abyss | Direct damage |
Spell: Son of Sathir | T9 Old Commons | Fire x2 + Ice | SHD | Old Commons | Undead pet |
Spell: Theft of Survival | T1/2 Plane of Dragons | Holy + Magic | SHD | Minor Dragons | Reduce healing effectiveness |
Spell: Theft of Survival II | T3/4 Airplane | Holy + Magic | SHD | Minor Gods | Reduce healing effectiveness |
Spell: Theft of Survival III | T7 Loping Plains | Holy + Magic | SHD | Loping Plains | Reduce healing effectiveness |
Spell: Theft of Toughness | P2 Cazic Thule | Fire x2 + Holy | SHD | Cazic Thule | |
Spell: Theft of Toughness II | T5 Abyss | Fire x2 + Holy | SHD | Abyss | |
Spell: Theft of Toughness III | T9 Old Commons | Fire x2 + Holy | SHD | Old Commons | |
Spell: Thirst of Muram | T1/2 Plane of Dragons | Disease + Magic x2 | SHD | Major Dragons | Group lifetap |
Spell: Thirst of Muram II | T5 Abyss | Disease + Magic x2 | SHD | Abyss | Group lifetap |
Spell: Thirst of Muram III | T8 Temple of Veeshan | Poison | SHD | Veeshan | Group lifetap |
Spell: Vile Tightness | P1 Qvic | Ice x2 | SHD | Qvic | STR and AC Debuff with DoT |
Spell: Vile Tightness II | T1/2 Plane of Dragons | Ice x2 | SHD | Minor Dragons | STR and AC Debuff with DoT |
Spell: Vile Tightness III | T5 Abyss | Ice x2 | SHD | Abyss | STR and AC Debuff with DoT |
Spell: Vile Tightness IV | T8 Temple of Veeshan | Ice x2 | SHD | Veeshan | STR and AC Debuff with DoT |
Spell: Virulence | P2 Cazic Thule | Disease + Poison | SHD | Cazic Thule | DoT |
Spell: Virulence II | T3 Halls of Honor | Disease + Poison | SHD | Minor Gods | DoT |
Spell: Virulence III | T6 Anguish | Disease + Poison | SHD | Anguish | DoT |
Spell: Virulence IV | T9 Old Commons | Disease + Poison | SHD | Old Commons | DoT |
Spell: Voice of Cazic | P1 Qvic | Magic | SHD | Qvic | Adds Voice of Cazic proc and hate increaser |