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* Casters in general are popular as CoH bots once you get [[Call of the Warband (Reward Item)]] or [[Call of the Companions (Reward Item)]]. With their [[Spell: Bind Affinity]] you can bind anywhere, which can make corpse recovery or moving party to a certain boss or area quite efficient.
* Casters in general are popular as CoH bots once you get [[Call of the Warband (Reward Item)]] or [[Call of the Companions (Reward Item)]]. With their [[Spell: Bind Affinity]] you can bind anywhere, which can make corpse recovery or moving party to a certain boss or area quite efficient.
* [[Ultimate Armor|Cloth Ultimate Armor Head]] for [[Spell: Tserinna's Enchanted Shadows]] to decrease the spell hate you generate.
* [[Ultimate Armor|Cloth Ultimate Armor Head]] for [[Spell: Tserinna's Enchanted Shadows]] to decrease the spell hate you generate.
== [[Magician Armor]] ==
== Magician Epic List ==
== Magician Epic List ==

Revision as of 18:11, 20 August 2024

Alt text
High Elf Magician with an epic 8.0 pet wearing Tserrina's Robe wielding Tserrina's Staff

What to expect from Magicians on EZServer (2023):

The Magician is primarily a damage dealer and is quite similar to the Enchanter in terms of play style and damage output. Currently the Enchanter gets the upper edge damage wise, but they are still relatively close. Compared to EQ Live, the Magician pets on EZServer don't really deal a lot of damage, but they can tank decent enough. If you get the Summoner's Pack and Ultimate Weapon you will notice your pet doing alot more damage. Anywhere from 100k-200k without the items to 4-6m damage with pack and a high tier UW. The Magician make use of the Shylo's Bolt of Doom spells and in Veeshan's Peak they can get Idol of the Jailed to further improve their damage.

Apart from dealing damage, there are 2-3 other spells in general that you may find useful as a Magician. CoH aka Call of the Hero will summon a targetted group member to your location within the same zone. The Incinerating Aura (Damage shield) will grant the target a damage shield. This is mainly used to level up alts from 1-70 quickly by buffing them and have them run though a zone like Soldungb and Plane of Fire to quickly kill mobs for exp. The Magician also gets a debuff called Spell: Malos Malignance that can be used on an NPC to increase the amount of spell damage they take.

June 2023: In general we have a lot of different spells and effects on EZServer. Some have been updated recently and some have not. While new spells and effects are added, they may have stacking issues with older content. As a general note, you should test stuff on the Practice Dummy yourself if you are unsure what gives you the best damage. Per June 2023 there are some issues you should be aware of involving Angryface Familiar, Mana Necklace, Brunaa's Two Toned Diamond Neckguard and Darkstone, Neckguard of Revenge. So what does this mean for you? If you have Angryface Familiar and use the buff, you don't need to get/use your Mana Necklace XII, as it will not improve your damage, rather just make it lower. However, if you have Brunaa's Two Toned Diamond Neckguard or Darkstone, Neckguard of Revenge, you should not use Angryface Familiar, as it will lower your potential spell damage.

Primary Uses

Magician Armor

Magician Epic List

Magician Class Epics and Epic Augments 1.0 - 10.0

Epic Effect

  • Summon Pet

Recommended Quests

EZ Custom Spells

Spell Drop Location Research Element Description
Spell: Defensive Boon N/A Quest Increases Pet HP and melee mitigation
Spell: Abyssmal Shield P2 Cazic Thule Fire+Ice Self HP and Mana regen buff
Spell: Elemental Tower P2 Cazic Thule Magic+Holy Self Fire and Cold resist and cap increase
Spell: Malos Malignance P2 Cazic Thule Fire2+Magic Resist debuff, minor spell damage boost
Spell: Incinerating Aura P2 Cazic Thule Fire3 Single target defensive damage shield proc
Spell: Incinerating Aura II T1/T2 Plane of Dragons Fire3 Single target defensive damage shield proc
Spell: Malos Malignance II T1/T2 Plane of Dragons Fire2+Magic Resist debuff, minor spell damage boost
Spell: Summon Phantom Necklace of Dragons T1/T2 Plane of Dragons Magic2+Nature Pet HP Necklace
Spell: Elemental Tower II T3/T4 Airplane Magic+Holy Self Fire and Cold resist and cap increase
Spell: Shylos Bolt of Doom T3/T4 Airplane Fire Bolt direct damage
Spell: Legend of Shylo Renewal T3/T4 Airplane Magic x2+Holy x2 Pet heal
Spell: Summon Phantom Necklace of Gods T3/T4 Airplane Magic2+Nature Pet HP Necklace
Spell: Tower of Calliav T3/T4 Airplane Fire+Ice+Magic Pet melee mitigation
Spell: Abyssmal Shield II T5 Abyss Fire+Ice Self HP and Mana regen buff
Spell: Elemental Rage T5 Abyss Fire4 Pet haste
Spell: Taelosian Victory T5 Abyss Magic Direct Damage
Spell: Malos Malignance III T6 Anguish Fire2+Magic Resist debuff, minor spell damage boost
Spell: Tower of Calliav II T6 Anguish Fire+Ice+Magic Pet melee mitigation
Spell: Summon Phantom Necklace of Anguish T6 Anguish Magic2+Nature Pet HP Necklace
Spell: Incinerating Aura III T6 Anguish Fire3 Single target defensive damage shield proc
Spell: Legend of Shylo Renewal II T7 Loping Plains Magic+Holy Pet heal
Spell: Shylos Bolt of Doom II T7 Loping Plains Fire Bolt direct damage
Spell: Summon Phantom Necklace of Veeshan T8 Temple of Veeshan ?? Pet HP Necklace
Spell: Taelosian Victory II T8 Temple of Veeshan ?? Direct Damage
Spell: Tower of Calliav III T8 Temple of Veeshan ?? Pet melee mitigation
Spell: Elemental Rage II T9 Old Commons ?? Pet haste
Spell: Tower of Calliav IV T10 Sunderock Springs ?? Pet melee mitigation
Spell: Malos Malignance IV T10 Sunderock Springs ?? Resist debuff, minor spell damage boost
Spell: Shylos Bolt of Doom III T10 Sunderock Springs ?? Bolt direct damage
Spell: Elemental Tower III T10 Sunderock Springs ?? Self Fire and Cold resist and cap increase
Spell: Incinerating Aura IV T10 Sunderock Springs ?? Single target defensive damage shield proc