Strike Augments

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Strike augments are augments that can be placed in certain weapons which will add a damaging proc to your weapons. They are obtained through the Crafter's Guild by combining Superior Lightstones, ores purchased from the Crafter's Guild merchant, and essences


Icestrikes are the strike aug with the least damage, but they also cost the least to create.
Icestrikes are usable by the following classes: Cleric - Druid - Shaman - Wizard - Enchanter = Necromancer


Firestrike augs are much more damaging than Icestrike augs, but less than Ninjastrikes - they cost more than Icestrikes to make.
Firestrikes are usable by the following classes (including all icestrike classes): Paladin - Berserker - Shadow Knight - Beastlord


Ninjastrikes are the most costly, and most damaging strike augs, and are only usable by pure DPS classes.
Ninjastrikes are usable by the following classes: Monk - Rogue - Bard - Ranger

Creating the Strikes

Level SLS Gems Essences
Warrior Tank Mitigation (Epic Effect) Icestrike
Paladin Healer Group Heal Proc (Epic Effect) Firestrike
Cleric Healer Group Heal Proc (Epic Effect)
Group HP Buff
Bard Single Target DPS/Utility Ninjastrike Capable
Tempest Blade Group damage proc song
Shaman Utility HP Buff (Epic Effect)
Kraken (Spell Damage Proc)
Druid Utility/AoE DPS/Skin of the Drake Skin of the Drake (18 second megaheal)
HP Buff Blessing of Ancient Oak
Berserker AoE DPS AoE DPS (Epic Effect) Firestrike
Monk Single Target DPS Ninjastrike Aug Capable Ninjastrike
Rogue Single Target DPS Ninjastrike Aug Capable
Enchanter Utility Overhaste (Spell)
Spell Damage Increase (Spell)
Magician Utility/DPS Call of the Hero (Summon Target)
DPS (nuke / pet)
Necromancer Pet DPS Pet DPS (great in early tiers) Icestrike
Ranger Single Target DPS Ninjastrike Aug Capable Ninjastrike
Shadow Knight Tanking (kinda) Not sure Firestrike