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Beastlords can use Ninjastrike augs, which gives them relatively high single target DPS. Their epic summons a pet, which further increases their dps. They are not commonly considered as a choice for a main group, as other Ninjastrike classes are capable of more DPS.

Alt text
Barbarian Beastlord (with his pet) with Brick on a Stick from Halls of Honor and Golden Hammer of Divinity from Airplane

Primary Uses

Recommended Quests

EZ Custom Spells

Spell Drop Location Research Element Description
Ascendant Essence QVic Magic Group HP and Mana regen
Vicious Ice Cazic Thule Cold Direct Damage
Over Raided Cat Heal Airplane Magic + Nature Pet Heal
Vicious Ice II Airplane Cold Direct Damage
Bestial Tower Airplane Nature Pet melee mitigation
Bashful Crustaceans Hulkamania Airplane Nature + Fire Pet haste
Ascendant Essence II Airplane Magic Group HP and Mana regen
Vicious Ice III Anguish Cold Direct Damage
Bestial Tower II Anguish Nature Pet melee mitigation
Ascendant Essence III Anguish Magic Group HP and Mana regen
Over Raided Cat Heal II Loping Plains Magic + Nature Pet Heal