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Enchanters are mainly used for their buff "Vampiric Thunder" which increases spell damage for all group members (e.g. strike aug damage). This buff lasts for one hour. It probably is not a good idea to put an enchanter in your main group, but it would be a good idea to level an Enchanter if for nothing other than their buff.

Alt text
Human Enchanter using an Aspect of Immolation from Halls of Honor

Primary Uses

  • Timeless: Haste (increases haste amount for all group members) (not sure that this actually works)
  • Timeless: Vampiric Thunder (increases the spell damage from all group members)
  • Self-only mitigation spell "Shield of the Eldritch"
  • Pet DPS - See Pet Scaling for information on how other EZ items affect them.

Epic Effect

Summon Enchanter Pet

Recommended Quests

EZ Custom Spells

Spell Drop Location Research Element Description
Bashful Crustaceans Gift of Thought Airplane Magic+Holy+Nature
Blast of Vulnerability Abyss Magic4 Dispel
Breathless Plane of Dragons Magic2+Cold
Breathless II Airplane Magic2+Cold
Breathless III Abyss Magic2+Cold
Breathless IV Loping Plains Magic2+Cold
Coat of Bright Lights Plane of Dragons Magic3+Cold
Coat of Bright Lights II Airplane Magic3+Cold
Enchanting Defender QVic Magic4+Nature Swarm pet
Enchanting Defender Plane of Dragons Magic4+Nature Swarm pet
Enchanting Defender Plane of Dragons Magic4+Nature Swarm pet
Enchanting Defender Airplane Magic4+Nature Swarm pet
Euphoria II Airplane Magic5
Gift of Annihilation Airplane Fire2+Cold2+Magic2
Insanity II Plane of Dragons Magic Direct Damage
Insanity III Airplane Magic Direct Damage
Insanity IV Anguish Magic Direct Damage
Irrational Irritation Cazic Thule Magic+Fire Aggro increaser
Irrational Irritation II Plane of Dragons Magic+Fire Aggro increaser
Irrational Irritation III Abyss Magic+Fire Aggro increaser
Keep of Alendar Plane of Dragons Magic+Holy Group spell damage mitigation
Keep of Alendar II Abyss Magic+Holy Group spell damage mitigation
Koadic Boundless Intellect QVic Magic3+Holy Group Mana Regen
Koadic Boundless Intellect II Plane of Dragons Magic3+Holy Group Mana Regen
Koadic Boundless Intellect III Anguish Magic3+Holy Group Mana Regen
Legend of Shy Renewal Airplane Magic2+Holy
Legend of Shy Renewal II Loping Plains Magic2+Holy
Mana Burst Loping Plains Magic
Masked Strength Cazic Thule Magic+Cold Aggro reducer
Masked Strength II Plane of Dragons Magic+Cold Aggro reducer
Masked Strength III Anguish Magic+Cold Aggro reducer
Polarity Flux Plane of Dragons Magic2+Nature
Polarity Flux II Abyss Magic2+Nature
Rune of Denial QVic Magic2 Rune
Rune of Denial II Plane of Dragons Magic2 Rune
Rune of Denial III Abyss Magic2 Rune
Shield of Eldritch QVic Magic3 Self HP and Mana regen buff
Shield of Eldritch II Plane of Dragons Magic3 Self HP and Mana regen buff
Shield of Eldritch III Abyss Magic3 Self HP and Mana regen buff
Timeless: Haste Airplane Magic+Holy+Nature Group haste
Timeless: Vampiric Thunder Airplane Magic+Fire+Cold+Nature
Tower of Alendar QVic Magic+Holy Group spell damage mitigation
Tower of Alendar II Airplane Magic+Holy Group spell damage mitigation
Wail of Tashan Cazic Thule Magic2+Fire Magic resist debuff
Wail of Tashan II Airplane Magic2+Fire Magic resist debuff
Wail of Tashan III Anguish Magic2+Fire Magic resist debuff