Spell: Skin of the Drake
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Revision as of 14:42, 28 March 2017 by Akkadius (Talk | contribs) (Text replacement - "ezserveronline.com" to "ezserver.online")
Classes - Druid
90 second recast time [1]
[hide]Skin of the Drake
- Drop Location - Cazic Thule
- Duration - 0.3 minutes
- Add defensive proc Skin of the Drake Trigger - 1200 hp heal
- Casts Spell: Frosty Feelings - unknown
Skin of the Drake II
- Drop Location - Plane of Dragons
- Duration - 0.3 minutes
- Add defensive proc Skin of the Drake II Trigger - 2250 hp heal
- Casts Spell: Frosty Feelings - unknown
Skin of the Drake III
- Drop Location - Abyss
- Duration - 0.3 minutes
- Add defensive proc Skin of the Drake III Trigger - 2800 hp heal
- Casts Spell: Frosty Feelings - unknown
Skin of the Drake IV
- Drop Location - Temple of Veeshan
- Duration - 0.3 minutes
- Add defensive proc Skin of the Drake IV Trigger - ?? hp heal
- Casts Spell: Frosty Feelings - unknown