Mana Necklace

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The Mana Necklace is the pure caster answer to Strike Augments. It has a progressively larger cannibalization spell that trades HP for Mana. It also has a sympathetic proc that procs when casting detrimental spells. This puts a short duration buff on the caster's pet which acts as an firestrike equal to the level of the Mana Necklace. The necklace is obtained through the Crafter's Guild by combining Superior Lightstones, ores purchased from the Crafter's Guild merchant, and essences. See the table below for a detailed breakdown of the requirements

The Mana Necklace is usable by the following classes: Necromancer - Wizard - Magician - Enchanter

"Mana Necklace has been redesigned to better utilize casters as casters, not proc hunters. The new Pirate's Ire effect will add a 75% bonus per rank (75% of base damage, additive) and proc only the pet buff (First Mate's Gift)." Hateborne 2/11/2015 Crafter Bars.jpg

Requirements Table

Level SLS Glowing
Ore Essences Prior Neck Plat Cost
1 0 1 Steel (2) Qvic (4) Shrimp's Manastone 173,568
2 0 1 Silver (2) Cazic Thule (4) Neck 1 347,136
3 0 1 Gold (2) Dragon Minor (4) Neck 2 585,792
4 0 1 Platinum (2) Dragon Major (4) Neck 3 867,840
5 0 1 Magic Blue Diamond (2) God Minor (4) Neck 4 1,301,760
6 0 1 Magic Blue Diamond (3) God Major (4) Neck 5 1,952,640
7 0 1 Magic Blue Diamond (4) Abyss (4) Neck 6 2,603,520
8 1 1 Magic Blue Diamond (4) Anguish (4) Neck 7 2,603,520
9 1 1 Magic Blue Diamond (4) Loping Plains (4) Neck 8 2,603,520
10 0 2 Magic Blue Diamond (5) Temple Veeshan (4) Neck 9 3,254,400
11 0 2 Magic Blue Diamond (5) Old Commons (4) Neck 10 3,254,400

Cumulative Platinum and Superior Lightstones

Level SLS Glowing
Ore Essences Prior Neck Plat Cost Cumulative
Plat Cost
SLS Cost SLS Cum.Cost
Total Plat Cost
1 0 1 2 Steel (2) Qvic (4) Shrimp's Manastone 173,568 173,568 500,000 500,000 673,568
2 0 1 4 Silver (2) Cazic Thule (4) Neck 1 347,136 520,704 500,000 1,000,000 1,520,704
3 0 1 6 Gold (2) Dragon Minor (4) Neck 2 585,792 1,106,496 500,000 1,500,000 2,606,496
4 0 1 8 Platinum (2) Dragon Major (4) Neck 3 867,840 1,974,336 500,000 2,000,000 3,974,336
5 0 1 10 Magic Blue Diamond (2) God Minor (4) Neck 4 1,301,760 2,603,520 500,000 2,500,000 5,103,520
6 0 1 12 Magic Blue Diamond (3) God Major (4) Neck 5 1,952,640 4,556,160 500,000 3,000,000 7,556,160
7 0 1 14 Magic Blue Diamond (4) Abyss (4) Neck 6 2,603,520 7,159,680 500,000 3,500,000 10,659,680
8 1 1 17 Magic Blue Diamond (4) Anguish (4) Neck 7 2,603,520 9,763,200 750,000 4,250,000 14,013,200
9 1 1 20 Magic Blue Diamond (4) Loping Plains (4) Neck 8 2,603,520 12,366,720 750,000 5,000,000 17,366,720
10 0 2 24 Magic Blue Diamond (5) Temple Veeshan (4) Neck 9 3,254,400 15,621,120 1,000,000 6,000,000 21,621,120
11 0 2 28 Magic Blue Diamond (5) Old Commons (4) Neck 10 3,254,400 18,875,520 1,000,000 7,000,000 25,875,520