Mana Necklace

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Mana Necklace X.jpg

Mana Necklace

The Mana Necklace is the pure caster answer to Strike Augs. It has a progressively larger cannibilization spell that trades HP for Mana. It also has a sympathetic proc that procs when casting detrimental spells. This puts a short duration buff on the caster's pet which acts as an ice strike equal to the level of the Mana Necklace.
The Mana Necklace is usable by the following classes: Necromancer - Wizard - Magician - Enchanter

Level SLS Cum.
Ore Essences Prior Neck Cost Cumulative
1 2 2 Iron (1) Qvic (4) Shrimps 43,392 43.392
2 2 4 Steel(1) Cazic Thule(4) Neck 1 86,784 130,176
3 2 6 Silver(1) Dragon Minor(4) Neck 2 173,568 303,744
4 2 8 Gold(1) Dragon Major(4) Neck 3 292,896 596,640
5 2 10 Platinum(1) God Minor(4) Neck 4 433,920 1,030,560
6 2 12 Blue Diamond(1) God Major(4) Neck 5 650,880 1,681,440
7 2 14 Blue Diamond(1) Abyss(4) Neck 6 650,880 2,332,320
8 2 16 Blue Diamond(2) Anguish(4) Neck 7 1,301,760 3,634,080
9 2 18 Blue Diamond(3) Loping Plains(4) Neck 8 1,952,640 5,586,720
10 2 20 Blue Diamond(3) Temple Veeshan(4) Neck 9 1,952,640 7,539,360
11 2 22 Blue Diamond(3) Old Commons(4) Neck 10 1,952,640 9,492,000