Spell: Hungering Pyre

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Revision as of 12:13, 27 April 2016 by Kelordis (Talk) (Hungering Pyre IV: Don't need the resist check in here since it's already on the main information table)

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Hungering Pyre
Classes Duration (min) Range AE Range Resist Recast Time (sec) Recovery Time (sec)
Necromancer 0.9 200 N/A Fire (-750) 2.25 1.00

Hungering Pyre

Hungering Pyre II

  • Drop Location - Airplane
  • Deals 9200 to 15,000 random damage per tick

Hungering Pyre III

  • Drop Location - Loping Plains
  • Deals 66,666 to 85,000 random damage per tick

Hungering Pyre IV