Talk:Angryface (Halloween Reward)

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Tested with Ultimate Charm v3 and VT2 and Magic-based proc. No damage change as of this time. I'm guessing if Huff saw a damage increase, it was from Firestrike, limiting this spell damage increase to Fire and Ice based procs. Next question is, does it stack with the Bard epic, which currently only works on Fire / Ice? Will try and confirm with him. Until we figure out exactly what the heck this thing is doing, I removed your (stacks with UC) from the link.

--Kruciel (talk) 06:37, 29 October 2015 (UTC)

Someone in ooc was saying they tested it as increasing damage on their berserker, so I have to believe it effects the epic proc/click.

--Leis (talk) 23:39, 29 October 2015 (UTC)

It does not, unfortunately. I looted my first one last night on the zerk and ran to test it immediately. The Zerk click is magic-based, as are Ninjastrike augments and Ultimate Weapon procs. VT2 works on Magic-based damage. Bard epic works on Firestrike and Icestrike augments.

--Kruciel (talk) 00:12, 30 October 2015 (UTC)

I dont have an enchanter or an angry face, but Chunka did some testing tonight and said its not stacking with VT2.

--Leis (talk) 06:01, 30 October 2015 (UTC)

Just looted another on a paladin to test the damage bonus to Firestrike XI.
UC3 damage > 4.081 mil per hit
UC3 + AF damage > 5.101 mil per hit
So VT2 is the buff players can use to buff magic only (Ult weapon proc, Ninjastrike proc, magic-based nukes from casters) and Angryface will buff the rest (Firestrike proc, Icestrike proc) but that's not all. If you don't have access to VT2 Angryface will also replace it by buffing the Magic based damage as well.
TLDR version: VT2 increases magic damage only, AF increases all types of magic damage (fire ice magic poison disease) but will not double stack with VT2 to make magic absurd. Finally, if they DID stack, ult weapon users would be hitting too hard and rolling their damage into the negatives. I've already been able to produce this type of attack on my warrior when SOA started giving a 22% damage bonus randomly one day this month.

--Kruciel (talk) 00:22, 31 October 2015 (UTC)