Lightning Spirit

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Lightning Spirit.png

"Boss" NPC in Catacombs of Dranik Level 3. He cannot be killed, and will die on a timer.


  • None, no corpse


  • This guy's MO is to shoot lightening balls at your raid/group. He takes from himself to inflict harm on you.
  • Avoid the lightning balls.
  • Come into the room and your entire raid will be teleported to the center of the room, even raid members you left at the zone in area. When looking at the Lighting Spirit, turn right and move your entire raid/group to the right side of the room up against the wall. Stand there, monitor the health of your group/raid members and allow the Lighting Spirit to slowly kill himself.
  • Don't engage the mob, just allow him to play his part and kill himself.
  • No loot from Lighting Spirit, he is just there for theatrics.