Hills of Shade

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You have unwittingly opened the time rift and allowed me to enter your domain. I should thank you for this, but you are just a simple fool and knew not what your actions would bring.
Do you know now what time it is? It is time for me to make an example of you for all this world to witness.
Your lifeless corpse will hang from stakes, a reminder of how easily I can sweep your world's inhabitants aside.
"The disciples of Nexus report it has been engulfed in darkness and a spell has been casted upon it. Meanwhile a strange rift has appeared..."

Please download/install the latest server files here > Halloween text small.png < before entering the Halloween zone

NOTE: Level 72 or greater required to enter Hills of Shade

Alt text
Temporary Map, Locs may not be 100% accurate

To access Hills of Shade, enter the Time Rift Portal in the Nexus center, you will then need to buy a Hills of Shade Gateway Device from Jox
You will not be able to zone to Hills of Shade without one on each character.
Hail the floating bones to list HoS realms ( 15 are currently available )
You cannot create your own instances, all 15 realms are public.


  • Obtain the Keystone quest from Jox
  • Killing certain mob types has a chance to spawn a chain boss,
    A chain boss has a small chance to spawn the next, each chain type has 3 bosses
    The 3rd boss will spawn at the same set location and will always drop it's keystone.
  • Once you have collected all 6 keystones, run to each of the shrines, a pop up box will allow you to activate the shrine, unless on cooldown, once all 6 have been activated, Magorian World Devourer will spawn.

Once Magorian has been defeated, loot the Shirt from him to spawn his Treasure Chest

Notable NPC's

Chain Bosses

First Chain Boss Second Chain Boss Third Chain Boss Keystone
Zorth Unicron Master of the Pepe Magorians Monsterous Creation Heavy Keystone
Mega Mustane the Peacekeeper Traili the Trigglypuff Bailor Summoner of Death Deformed Keystone
High Priest Jorgan Ellsia Draigor The Forked Tongue Destroyer Dry Keystone
Drakin of the Void Shatner The Beyonder Selest God of the Wetlands Wet Keystone
Prison Guard Athellia Geofri the Fire Beast Consia Light Keystone
A Loyal Gains Shark None None Shaped Keystone


Final Boss
