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Warrior are hands-down the best tanks of all classes. Every group in EZServer needs to have a warrior at its core.
Race selection does not matter when creating a warrior, since your stats will all be at the maximum very early in the game. You may want to consider size of race, since short or tall races can sometimes have a harder time maneuvering.


The toughness of the warrior is primarily because of their epic's mitigation effect, starting at Epic 3.5 with the following percentages:

  • Epic 3.5 - 30%
  • Epic 4.0 - 35%
  • Epic 4.5 - 35%
  • Epic 5.0 - 40%
  • Epic 5.5 - 40%
  • Epic 6.0 - 45%
  • Epic 7.0 - 50%
  • Epic 8.0 - 50%
  • Epic 9.0 - 50%

The epics also have an aggro multiplying effect, which allows the warrior to more easily keep aggro.


Tier 3/4 Bashful Crustaceans' Rebuttal (Riposte every attack for 12 seconds, cooldown 4 minutes) Bashful Crustaceans' Angerbomb (AoE 50,000 Hate, 2,500dmg, cooldown 4 seconds)