Getting Started

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EZ Guide

Setting up your client

1. Obtain a copy of EverQuest Underfoot (Do not use Titanium, as several custom aspects of EZServer will not work properly)
This can be downloaded in 7 parts at the following links:

2. Extract these into a folder of your choice (e.g. C:/EZServer/...)

3. Download Server Files and Spell Files (these are dynamic links, and will update periodically, so make sure to re-download after a patch, or every few weeks.)
Extract these two zipped files into your main everquest directory

4. Download Macroquest. Select "Underfoot" for Client, and "Classic" for build, then click download

5. Run "MacroQuest2.exe" and "EQBCServer.exe" before launching client
Basic allowed uses for Macroquest:

  • /target npcname (targets any npc in zone)
  • /stick (much better version of /follow)
  • /bca //command (tells all of your characters except the one issuing the command to do a specified command)
  • /bcaa //command (tells all of your characters including the one issuing the command to do a specified command)
  • Dynamic map NPC locations (all NPC locations show up on minimap in real time)