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House Garden Halloween Zone 2015

Please download/install the latest server files here > Halloween text small.png < before entering the Halloween zone

Notable NPC's


  • Keep Hailing the Halloween Cook and Undead Sporali to click through their dialogue repeatedly to acquire all the quests they have to offer.
  • Gravedigger's Shovel, Gravedigger's Pick and Gravedigger's Lantern you find go to the Graveyard Keeper who in return grants you 3 tokens. All items are lore, so gather them on any character and trade them to the person you are farming for pets.
  • Meikona's Honey Pot can be turned in to Meikona near the zone in.
  • Snow Nose will accept all three types of Halloween candy (one at a time) for a chance at a Halloween token.
  • Candy is tradeable. Any candy gained from boss kills is tradable, swap it to a toon that needs a mistress pet, and handing in candy (one at a time) to Snow Nose. This seems to have about a 25% chance of giving you a halloween token.
  • Use any excess tokens at Undead Sporali to purchase Candy and trade it to the character you are farming for pets, then turn those in to Snow Nose as described above.
  • Boss chains have a very low chance to spawn the next boss, making Diablo the only reliable source of reaching the higher-end bosses. See his page for more details.

Tips gathered from multiple sources, including Ponzi and Waraesh on the EZServer Forums



Cazic Thule: (T3)

  • 10k HP

Stone Monster: (T4)

  • 15% Stonewall
  • 15% Spell Mitigation
  • 15% Spell Reflect Chance
  • 25k HP

Insane Goblin: (T5)

  • 17% Stonewall
  • 25% Spell Mitigation
  • 25% Spell Reflect Chance
  • 65k HP

Black Unicorn: (T6)

  • 15% Spell Mitigation
  • 175% Movement Speed
  • 65% Spell Haste
  • 125% Melee Haste
  • 100k HP

Chilled Devil: (T7)

  • 250 point increased Cold Resist Cap
  • 35% Spell Mitigation
  • ~40% Sympathetic Proc (Proc on Cast) of Icestrike VI
  • 75k HP

Arcing Demon: (T8)

  • 250 point increased Magic Resist Cap
  • 150k HP
  • 12.5% HP Increase (Stacks with Ancient Oak!)

Mistress of Flame: (T9)

Angryface: (T9.5?)

  • 5% chance to resist spells
  • 200% spell damage
  • -15% stonewall (no effect, currently broken)
  • -100k HP