User Interface Mods

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Members of the EZ Server community & EQInterface have created custom user interface pieces.

Rof2 Complete UI's

To install complete UI's packages, do the following:

  • Download the archive zipped package
  • Go to your EZ EverQuest UI directory (eg. C:/EverQuest/uifiles/)
  • Extract the zipped UI folder into the uifiles folder (eg. C:/Everquest/uifiles/sarsxp) from the below sars UI
  • Run the Rof2 client, then type /loadskin "nameoffolder" when in game (in the above example, this would be "/loadskin sarsxp")
  • Pray you don't crash, and enjoy!

Complete RoF2 UI Packages

  • Sars UI
  • EZUI - NOTE!: This is not a official or required UI to play on EZ, it is just what i have personally used.

Installing User Interface Pieces

To install the user interfaces pieces, do the following:

  • Download the ".xml" files plus any additional files (which may be individual files, or in a zipped package)
  • Go to your EZ EverQuest UI directory (eg. C:/EverQuest/uifiles/)
  • Create a new folder and name it whatever you want (e.g. "ezui") in the uifiles folder (along with "default" and any other)
  • Place the .xml / unzipped file(s) into this new folder - any ui peices not in the custom folder will be loaded from the "default" folder.
  • Run the Rof2 client, then type /loadskin "nameoffolder" (in the earlier example, this would be "/loadskin ezui")

Unless stated, the below mods are made to replace the default windows.
If you are using a custom UI package already, (eg. sars), adding these mods to those UI's may cause errors/crashes, and not recommended.
If you want to try, make a copy of your current UI folder to test, or rename/backup the file(s) being replaced so you can easily go back if needed.

RoF2 UI Pieces

Repurposed Windows

These windows have none or little use on EZ, so have been rewritten to provide some useful EZ information, especially for newer players.