Ring of Ages

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Ring of Ages Rank 590.jpg

Ring of Ages, or RoA, starts at rank 0 with no stats. However, it quickly becomes one of the best defensive items in the game, with impressive HP and AC, some heroic resists, and a very nice rune click. It can be leveled up with AAxp by handing it to the Keeper of the Ages npc, in any of the hub cities. If you have enough AA, those AA will be subtracted from your current total, and you will be given the next rank of your ring. Otherwise, you'll get the ring back at the same level, along with a message that says something like "You don't have enough AA for that."

The AAxp cost starts at 100/level, and increases every 100 levels. It also has "hell levels" every 25 levels where the next rank costs a lot extra (generally ~20 times as much).

  • Levels 1-100: cost 100, hell levels 2000
  • Levels 101-200: cost 250, hell levels 5000
  • etc.